Little Fountain Lace Knitting Stitch Pattern

Swatch of the Little Fountain Lace Knit StitchPin

Welcome to Day 9 of the 21 Days of Lace Knit Stitches Series!

In the video tutorial below, I’ll show you how to knit the little fountain lace knit stitch. This is a 4 row repeat that once you start you may not want to stop!

This stitch is an advanced beginner lace knit stitch, but once you see how it all comes together you’ll be hooked {pun intended!} I really enjoyed the rhythm of this stitch.


Size US 11 {8mm} Knitting Needles
Yarn: Lana Grande by Cascade Yarns

Video Tutorial:

Pattern, Knit Flat:

CO in multiples of 4+1 STS
For my swatch I CO 17 STS {4×4+1}

Row 1 {RS}: K1 *YO, K3, YO, K1*
Row 2 {WS}: *P*
Row 3 {RS}: K2, SK2PO *K3, SK2PO* K2
Row 4 {WS}: *P*
Repeat rows 1-4 until desired length.


Row 1 increase 2 STS per repeat
Row 3 decrease 2 STS per repeat

Despite all the knit stitches on the front of the work, this lays nice and flat, so you don’t have to worry about curling.

I’m very happy with the outcome and I’d probably skip blocking it. I think it looks great just the way it is, but that’s my personal preference, to each their own. :)

I had to play with different needle sizes before I liked the stitch. I thought the size US 13 needles were too loose and I lost stitch definition. So, you may want to play with different sizes before giving up on it.

This stitch would make a delicate shawl, super bulky scarf or an heirloom blanket.

Pattern, Knit Flat {same pattern as above with the SK2PO written out}:

CO in multiples of 4+1 STS
For my swatch I CO 17 STS {4×4+1}

Row 1 {RS}: K1 *YO, K3, YO, K1*
Row 2 {WS}: *P*
Row 3 {RS}: K2, S1PW, K2TOG, PSSO *K3, S1PW, K2TOG, PSSO* K2
Row 4 {WS}: *P*
Repeat rows 1-4 until desired length.

Lace Knit Stitch Yarn Options:

Read my article Best Yarn For Lace Knit Stitches to learn about the good, the bad and the exceptions when choosing a yarn for lace knitting!


* – * – repeat pattern
CO – cast-on {long-tail cast-on method}
K – knit stitches {K1 means to knit 1 stitch}
K2TOG – knit 2 stitches together
P – purl stitches {P2 means to purl 2 stitches}
PSSO – pass slipped stitch over
RS – right side
S1PW – slip one stitch purl-wise
SK2PO – slip 1 stitch purl-wise, knit the next 2 stitches together, pass the slipped stitch over the slipped stitch
STS – stitches
WS – wrong side
YO – yarn over


Up-close Photo of the Front Side of the Little Fountain Lace Knit Stitch


Up-close Photo of the Back Side of the Little Fountain Lace Knit Stitch